Testing Vimeo NoCookie solution
The (Warriors) Simpsons from PrinceVillain on Vimeo. Using the “Vimeo” block with the ?dnt=1 didn’t work well. If you do a straight html block with the parameter, it does work.
Testing whether YouTube’s youtube-nocookie.com Drops a Cookie On the Site
I’m testing whether YouTube’s youtube-nocookie.com actually drops a cookie.
Maybe I Should Try Visual Studio Code?
They’ve added GitHub pull request extension. I love my $55/year PHPStorm subscription though…
Learning Magento 2
I’ve done Magento 1 development for some years and was really eager when I heard that Magento 2 would be released. I preordered a few Magento 2 developer books at the end of 2015. I tried to go through a few and realized that some had major issues, (i.e. Vagrant configurations not working, or incomplete…